A timeline of events

May 2024

  • Building design file still private, MRHA requests PAIA (Promotion of Access to Information Act) application for the official NID (Notice of Intent to Develop) plans.

  • Received documents reveal that Notice of Intent to Develop was not correctly applied for under Section 34, but incorrectly under Section 38 of the National Heritage Resources Act (NHRA).

    • Section 34 of National Heritage Resources Act (NHRA) states that any alteration to structures 60 years and older requires a permit from the provincial heritage resources agency (HWC).

    • Section 34 requires a consultation process during which comment could have been raised and conditions could have been proposed.  

  • The NID document received may be viewed here.

April 2024

  • City of CT reveals budget allocation for project in publicly held meeting on 25th April.

  • A resident raises concern that due process has not been followed by the CoCT’s submission to Heritage Western Cape (HWC).

    • The case with HWC was closed by November 2023, as the building structures that are proposed to be demolished have “no heritage value”.

    • Building plans were not submitted and HWC did not require them.

March 2024

  • Ward Councillor reclassifies project as "potential building and infrastructure upgrades" which is "far away from implementation" and will “include extensive community engagement at the appropriate time” and that residents need to “wait for the public notice of any development at this site and then evaluate the proposed designs”

February 2024

  • Ward Councillor calls it a possible ‘refurbishment’ and calls the MRHA’s concerns an “alarmist agenda”.

Dec 2023

  • Molteno Reservoir Heritage Association (MRHA) raises concerns over development at Molteno Reservoir.

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